What does a women's health physical therapist do?

A women's health physical therapist is a physical therapist with specialized training that benefits women with a variety of medical conditions including:

- urinary incontinence
- fecal incontinence
- pelvic pain
- pain with intercourse (dyspareunia)
- pain with pregnancy

What can i expect at my first appointment?

At your dedicated appointment time, an initial evaluation will be performed. This will gives us the opportunity to discuss your current condition and symptoms. At this time, you will receive a thorough assessment of your back, hips and pelvis. If necessary, and only with the patient's permission, an internal examination is performed. Not all patients will require an internal exam, and this will be discussed during your first appointment. It is of utmost importance you feel comfortable about the care you will be receiving. Plenty of time has been set aside to discuss any questions and concerns. All treatments are conducted in a private setting.

Who will be performing the treatment?

All women's health related treatments are administered by Bunny Donnelly, PT, MOMT. Bunny began treating women's health related diagnoses in 1997. She has extensive training in this area, and she holds the Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy (CAPP) from the American Physical Therapy Association. The CAPP is awarded to physical therapists who complete a defined sequence of courses, pass testing requirements at each level and complete a written case report. 

Bunny is dedicated to the improvement of women's health.

Men also suffer from pelvic pain and incontinence. Men see an increase in incontinence with age and prostate issues. Post-prostatectomy incontinence is not uncommon, and it can be successfully treated with physical therapy. Men can also suffer from pudendal neuralgia. Men suffering from incontinence or pelvic-region pain should first consult their physician for evaluation, and, if indicated, physical therapy can be prescribed.

What about men?